Shanidev is known as an avid devotee of Lord Shiva. Install Shani Yantra in the house to destroy the evil effects of Shani Shani Dev, An Avid Devotee Of Lord Shiva It is believed that Lord Shani and his father Lord Surya don’t go well together. He is the child of Lord Sun and Chhaya, his second wife. Shani showers the person with good and bad fruits based on his/her deeds. In Vedic Astrology, Saturn is considered a powerful planet and titled as the “Judge” amongst the Navagrahas. Therefore it is considered extremely important to seek the favourale aspect of Shani at all times. Deposited capital is destroyed and problems related to money etc. The native begins to suffer from major loss, and the relationship also starts to deteriorate. When Saturn is inauspicious, it creates obstructions in everything. It is believed that Saturn provides utmost troubles in these situations and can impact various aspects of one’s life such as education, career, business, health and married life etc. It is very important to pacify Lord Shani calm during the Shani Sade Sati and Shani’s Dhaiyya.

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If Saturn is not pacified, one has to face different kinds of problems. In addition, Saturn provides bad fruits during Mahadasha, Sade Sati and Dhaiyya. When this planet is inauspiciously placed in one’s kundli, it incurs many kinds of problems. Worshipping Shani Dev on Saturday reduces the inauspiciousness of the planet Saturn. The day Saturday is dedicated to Shani Dev.